Match Rules

Match Rules

  1. All contestants in Clevedon & District Freshwater Angling Club matches, except publicised “Open” matches, must hold a current Club Membership.
  2. All matches will be pegged down by the Match Secretary or his Assistant.
  3. The draw for pegs will take place on the morning of the match.
  4. No competitor can change their peg/section without prior approval of the Match Secretary before the match commences. Any angler fishing at the wrong peg will be disqualified.
  5. Any angler may use a caddy to help carry their tackle to their peg.
  6. No competitor will have live or dead fish in their possession before the match.
  7. The signal to commence and cease fishing will be given by the Match Secretary or his Assistants.
  8. The duration of the match will be promulgated prior to and at the draw for pegs.
  9. Before the starting signal no competitor must on any account ground bait or loose feed the swim but will be allowed to wet a line, plumb the depth and test the float, mix or wet ground bait, clear his/her fishing ground or weed or obstructions and position his/her equipment. On no account must a feeder be used prior to the starting signal. For use of lead shot see General Rule 11 above.
  10. A competitor may wade provided that the water does not extend above the knees, unless they can touch the bank with their fingertips, in which case the water can extend above the knees. When platforms are used the water must not come over the anglers knees when standing on the river/lake bed.
  11. Every competitor must fish within one metre either side of their designated peg.
    1. On flowing water, they will fish from their position in the direction of the flow as far as the next peg.
    2. On still waters they may fish as far as half the distance between their peg and the pegs on either side.
    3. When competitors are drawn on opposite banks, the limit of the swim will be the middle line between either bank and be defined as either a. or b. above.
      The competitor will restrict their activities completely to these boundaries, neither their person, tackle, bait, ground bait or hooked fish may intrude into their neighbours swim. In extreme situation, e.g. snagged tackle or a snagged fish an angler must seek permission from their neighbour/neighbours before moving from their designated peg to try and remedy the situation.
  12. A competitor must not cause annoyance to, or seek to interfere with another competitor.
  13. A competitor shall have in use one rod or pole, one line and single hook at any one time, but may have other poles or rods and tackle assembled in a position behind them, if possible, providing such other tackle is baited.
  14. Maximum length of poles, 16 metre. Floating poles are not permitted.
  15. Any bait, subject to local rules of the venue appertaining at the time of the match may be used, except live or dead fish, spinning baits and artificial lures.
  16. The use of electronic fish finders are forbidden.
  17. No competitor shall present their baited hooks into their swim by any means other than the pole or rod to which the line is attached.
  18. All feed shall be thrown in by hand, or use of one or two handed catapults, throwing sticks, swim feeders, bait droppers, bait cups and bait shuffles, but no other mechanical means of projecting feed is allowed. No bait shall be introduced with a pole or bait dropper attached to an extra pole or rod whilst continuing to fish.
  19. Competitors must strike, play and land their own fish from the confines of their peg (see Rule 10). Hand lining fish is not permitted; this includes hand lining elastics and line. Also not allowed is the practice of trapping stretched elastic with the hand down the length of the pole. Fish should never be bullied like this.
  20. Competitors must retain all fish in a keepnet that complies with the relevant Environment Agency Bylaws. (See General Rule 3 above)
  21. All fish caught are eligible for weighing except Game Fish, Pike, Zander and Crustaceans.
  22. Competitors must, if practicable, keep all fish caught alive. If for any reason competitors cannot keep fish alive, the Scales Man shall have the power to weigh in during the match and return the fish alive to the water.
  23. Competitors must cease fishing at the end signal. Should a competitor still be playing a fish hooked before the finishing signal is given, they will be permitted no more than 15 minutes after time has been called to land the fish.
  24. Competitors are responsible for ensuring their pegs are clear of litter and no competitor shall have their catch weighed in who has litter on the banks of their swim.
  25. The correct procedure for transferring fish from keep net to weigh net and weigh net back to the water is to be followed. Under no circumstances must the keepnet be removed from the water and fish tipped down from bottom to top. Either, swim the fish to the top of the keepnet whilst in the water gathering the lower rings as necessary or collapse the net and pull the lower rings through the top ring.
  26. Each competitor will be responsible for ensuring that the Scales Person correctly records the weight of their catch on their Peg Card.
  27. Any objections are to be lodged with the Match Secretary/ Match Organiser no later than one hour from the end of the match.
  28. Any competitor not holding or unable to produce an Environment Agency Rod Licence or the necessary Permit to fish shall be deemed to be in contravention of the rules and shall be disqualified. All pools, entry fees etc in respect of the said competitor relating to the match shall be forfeited.
  29. Any competitor proved to be in contravention of these rules will be disqualified.
  30. Any individual angler deemed to be bringing the sport into disrepute will be severely dealt with by the Management Committee.